The Summer 2019 issue of Wild & Woolly has been published. Wild & Woolly is quarterly newsletter for sheep and goat producers. It is published by University of Maryland Extension.

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Susan Schoenian

Sheep & Goat Specialist

University of Maryland Extension

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September Sale

The next Southern Virginia Meat Goat Association sale is scheduled for Saturday
September 7, 2019 at 1 pm. The sale will be conducted as a livestock auction; held in cooperation with Hollering Hills Auction, 4108 Hunting Creek Road,Nathalie, VirginiaThe sale will be open to SVMGA members and non-members.

All goats and sheep may be included in the auction. Please see attached for details.

We need a minimum of 150 sheep and goats to attract multiple buyers to the auction. The more livestock we have the more buyers we will be able to attract. More buyers mean more competitive bidding and higher prices for your livestock. We need to know by August 1, 2019 the type (goat or sheep) and the number of livestock you are bringing.

Please contact Debbie Duffer (434)470-0550 or Kim Grossman (434)251-2300 by August 1 to confirm the number of animals you will be bringing and for any further questions or concerns.

Auction flyer 

Auction info

Join us June 27th 7:00PM at the Ag Center is the next monthly meeting

September Sale

The next Southern Virginia Meat Goat Sale will be September 7 starting at 1pm.
This sale will not be our usual consignment sale, it will an auction with multiple buyers. This will be a non-graded sale, open to all sheep and goats. 
The sale will be conducted in cooperation with Hollering Hills auction at their facility.
The sale will be open to all producers; SVMGA members will receive a special discount on sales commission.
 We are looking for a minimum of 150 sheep and goats to make the sale possible. Please look over your livestock for potential goat/sheep you would like to sell at competitive bidding.

2019 Producers Grants

Good Afternoon Producers –

Attached is a flyer with information regarding the upcoming workshops for the 2019 Producer Support Grant.

***2019 Producer Support Grant: 33% Cost Share up to $10,000 expense limit (Max Cost Share amount: $3,300)

Eligible Projects: Hay Barns, Feed/Grain Bins, Pasture Watering Systems, Hay Wrappers, Livestock Handling

                                     Equipment, Cold Storage Systems & Produce Production & Handling Equipment

This year, we are holding two workshop times – please attend the time that will best accommodate your schedule.

Grant Info Workshops: Thursday, May 2nd at 10 AM and then 7 PM at the Halifax Extension Office

VCE will be going over the guidelines and project details – and applications will be available that day to take home with you. The date we will begin accepting applications is Monday, June 10th at 8 a.m. at the Halifax Ext Office.

I have scheduled the Halifax workshops to give producers over a month to plan and complete their applications before being able to turn them in starting June 10th. We are expecting a large turnout for this 2019 program!

We strongly recommend attending a workshop and be in touch with me in completing your application.

Please call or email with any questions you have before May 2nd –



Rebekah J. Slabach

Agriculture Extension Agent | Halifax County, Virginia

171 South Main Street | Halifax, VA  24558

Office: (434) 476-2147 | Fax: (434) 476-7777 | Halifax Extension website 2019 Program Flyer

Farm Tours

2019 Piedmont Farm Tour
Saturday-Sunday, April 27-28, 2019
2-6 p.m. both days*
The nation’s largest sustainable farm tour is in your backyard and readily approaching!
The Piedmont Farm Tour connects our friends, families, neighbors, and customers to 40+ local farms across Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Guilford, Johnston, Orange, Person, and Wake Counties.
Come pet baby animals, smell the flowers, and devour delicious fruits, mushrooms, veggies, dairy, and meat produced in the Piedmont!
Kids, foodies, locavores, gardeners, new or aspiring farmers, locals, and visitors will enjoy a memorable weekend spent meeting local farmers and touring their beautiful farms.
*Some farms are able to open earlier than the rest. These “kick-off” farms will open at 12 p.m.
Ashley See | Pronouns: She/Her
Communications Coordinator
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association | PO Box 448 | Pittsboro NC 27312
Tel: 919-542-2402 ext 833 | Fax: 919-542-7401

May Sale

The next goat/lamb sale will be held Sat. May 18th at 8:00AM.  Animals need to be consigned by May 8th by calling or texting me at 434-470-0550. See attached flyer for additional information.SVMGA May sale

Mobile Processing Unit

Dear SVMGA members,

On April 25, at 7 pm at the Halifax County Agricultural Center, Dr. Dahlia O’Brien, of VSU will discuss with us the mobile processing unit that will be available to us later this year. This unit is set up for small ruminant processing and will be run by a butcher, whom VSU will hire. Under discussion: the time of year it could best serve Southern VA producers, cost per animal, how many animals would make it feasible to bring it down here, and other details.

Your input is critical and valued on how we can use this new asset. As always, this meeting is open to all producers (not just members), so please mark your calendars and spread the word.

Best regards,
Pam Alderson

March Meeting Farm Tour

On Thursday, March 28, at 7 p.m. the SVMGA meeting will be held at 3026 Brooklyn Road, Sutherlin, VA 24594.

The business meeting will be held after a brief farm tour.